ENGLISH PAGEとは、日本美術をすべての人により気軽に、公正に売り買いしていただく場を創出するために始まった美術品の入札会です。いわば、美術品を売りたい人と買いたい人のプラットフォーム!美術品を売却したい日本全国の皆様から鹿島美術が作品を集約し、オリジナルのカタログを制作。国内外約一万人の美術品愛好家をはじめ、購入を希望されるすべての皆様に、作品をご紹介します。下見会の期間中は、ギャラリーにて出品作品が展示され、作品を実際にご覧いただけます。下見会はもちろんみなさま入場料無料です。「初めての客は相手にされないのではないか?」「美術品なんて高そうなものをいきなり買うのは不安」「興味はあるけど日本美術が国内外から多くの注目を集めているにも拘わらず、多くの人が日本美術の売買から遠ざかっている理由は、このようなものがあげられます。このような美術品の売買を妨げている要因をできる限りなくし、みなさまに開かれた日本美術の市場を作りました。長年の古美術商としての経験から、美術品に対する確かな審美眼を培ってきた鹿島美術だからこそできるサービスです。」
Benefits for Sellers
Transparent pricing. Might sell your item for unexpectedly high price?
All the lots are sold to the collectors directly without the intermediate dealers, so the price sold is clear to sellers. It is hard to know the price of your item sold to the next person due to the intermediate dealers, and judging if the price was appropriate is almost impossible. However, at MEGURU auction, sellers can check the price sold, and depending on the bidders, there is a possibility to sell your works with an unexpectedly high price.
Assessment and Pricing
Kashima Arts will make an assessment with the knowledge that cultivated through years of experience, and set an appropriate price in consultation with sellers. The value of the artwork is greatly influenced by market trend, so it is impossible to set the price without professional advice. As an expert in Japanese art, Kashima Arts will fully support you on this difficult pricing. Knowing the correct value of the item is very important to preserve the artwork for your future generation. Please feel free to contact us if you need an assessment or consultation.
Introduce your item to over 10,000 art lovers around the world
Kashima Arts has been introducing Japanese art to over 10,000 art lovers for 30 years. At MEGURU Auction, we will introduce the item to the art lovers who will love the artwork as much as you did.
Sell the item without hassle
From assessment to catalogue production, payment procedures, and delivery of works, Kashima Arts takes care of all the work for you. After assessment, there is no more procedures for sellers to handle. The assessment is free, and we will support you if you would like to acquire certificate of authenticity by proper organization.
Benefits for Buyers
Screened by Kashima Arts
All the lots are carefully selected by Kashima Arts, a Japanese Art specialist that has appeared in many media and cooperated with art museums and academics. The works selected with their aesthetics and knowledge that cultivated through years of experience are all precious artworks.
Set Your Own Bidding Price.
Unlike live auctions, bidders set their own bidding price for the lot, and no one will know the highest bid until the bid opening day. Therefore, you can set the price within your budget without risk of over spending. The result will be open to public, so you can check if you made a successful bid or not. Depending on the popularity, there is a chance to win your favorite lot in an unexpectedly affordable price.
Wide range of selection with minimum bidding price starting at 30,000yen
From beginners to experienced collectors, the wide selection of Japanese art is enjoyable to all. Make your selection from various genre and price range. The minimum lot starts as low as 30,000yen.
Pick your selection and place bid online!
All the lots are published online, so you can check out the catalogue and place your bid. For those who prefer to make the selection at the comfort of your home, the special MEGURU catalogue is available for free. All the lots are on view during preview period, so you can check the condition of the lot (color shades, scratches, etc.) For those who are unable to see the lots in person, we will send you high resolution images or create condition reports upon request.
(日本語) 「美術品入札会 廻 -MEGURU-」Vol.19
(日本語) 「美術品入札会 廻 -MEGURU-」Vol.18
(日本語) 「美術品入札会 廻 -MEGURU-」Vol.17
(日本語) 「美術品入札会 廻 -MEGURU-」Vol.16
(日本語) 「美術品入札会 廻 -MEGURU-」Vol.15
(日本語) 「美術品入札会 廻 -MEGURU-」Vol.14
(日本語) 「美術品入札会 廻 -MEGURU-」Vol.13
(日本語) 「美術品入札会 廻 -MEGURU-」Vol.12
Japanese Art Auction MEGURU Vol.11
The Japanese Art Auction MEGURU Vol.10