All bids for MEGURU vol.4 has closed. Thank you for all who participated. Winning bids will be annouced 7th of July on the official MEGURU website. Best of luck to all bidders!
Sunday July 5th, 2020
The Japanese art auction MEGURU vol.4 preview starts today.
Saturday June 27th, 2020
All the lots for MEGURU vol.04 is up and bidding is open.
Wednesday June 17th, 2020
Japanese Art Auction MEGURU vol.4 press release!
Friday June 12th, 2020
(日本語) 加島美術の代表が出演いたしましたBSフジ 「市川右團次の古美術のススメ」の再放送が決定いたしました。6月21日(日)14:00〜14:55 BSフジにて。ぜひご覧ください。
Monday June 1st, 2020
(日本語) 「廻くんの美術品なんでもマーケットリポート」ブログ始めました!美術品入札会「廻-MEGURU-」の公式キャラクターをつとめる廻(めぐる)くんがブログを始めました。日々美術品との出会いを求めて日本全国を奔走する廻くんから、最新のアート市場の情報を皆さんにお届けします!
Wednesday March 18th, 2020
Accepting consignment requests at all times!
Monday March 16th, 2020
Accepting consignment requests at all times!
Wednesday February 19th, 2020
Results for the Japanese Art Auction MEGURU vol.3 have been announced! From the winners to those who missed the event, we hope to see you all at the next MEGURU scheduled for June 2020. Thanks for all your support!
Tuesday February 4th, 2020
All bids for MEGURU vol.3 has closed. Thank you for all who participated. Winning bids will be annouced 4th of Feb on the official MEGURU website. Best of luck to all bidders!
Sunday February 2nd, 2020